Meet Valerie...
What if you could tap into your highest potential? Or picture this, what if you could have anything you wanted for your life?
Well good news, you are one step closer to making that dream become a reality!
Evangelist Valerie L. Miller
Founder & CEO of
Now Living Victorious Ministries
Let's Get Acquainted... Shall We?
My name is Valerie Miller and I grew up to very humble beginnings. Born as one of five daughters of Arthur & the late Barbara Randolph.
I had my first child at the age of 18 and named her ValTrenda Nicole. She was beautiful, smart, and healthy. In 1984 I met a guy that told me I was beautiful so we soon started dating. In August 1985, we had a beautiful daughter together and named her Maria LaShawn. Four months after she was born, we got married. Everything was going well for a while. Then all of a sudden things just started to change.
He started drinking heavily and coming home late, even staying out all night. I didn't understand why things were changing. He couldn't keep a job so the bills started piling up and things became very chaotic. He started blaming me for everything that was going wrong so then the angry words, and name calling began.

If things would have kept going on like that, I was going to end up killing him or he was going to kill me so I had to make a decision. I had to get out of that situation. That was the darkest time in my life, I thought that the sun would never shine again. After so much abuse, I was devastated, I was a nervous wreck, I thought I was going to lose my mind! In the late 1980's I divorced my abuser but I constantly lived in fear after that.
In 1991, as I still struggled with low self-estem and insecurities i ended up pregnant with my third child Toniqua LaShea. She was a beautiful and healthy baby as well but I was a woman that was so depressed and lonely so I had a hard time trying to enjoy the joy of having a child. Now I was left all alone with 3 children and no husband. Finally came the release, the realization. I am somebody, I am a child of the King and I don't deserve this! I am worthy of love, man's love but most of all God's love.
In 1992 the sun and the rainbow pushed through the clouds when I met the man of my dreams. His name is John Lester Miller. He helped me to continue to raise my daughters without any help from my ex-husband. He has helped me to rebuild my self-esteem. He is so good to me and I love him, so much! On July 1, 1995, we were married. We have been happily married now for 25 years. We attend church together; we sing together, we are best friends!
I never would have made it without God's Grace and Mercy! I am a Survivor, I got my peace back, my joy back, I got back everything that the enemy stole from me. What my ex-husband meant to destroy, God turned it around for the good!
I am the Mother of 3 daughters, ValTrenda, Maria, and Toniqua, the step-mother of two, Brittany and John Jr., and the proud grandmother of ten. I worked at the Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office as an Executive Secretary where I have been employed there for 28 years. I attended Mt. Tabor Bible College and served on the Board as the Secretary. I graduated in 2011 with an Associates Degree in Theology graduating with Summa Cum Laude Honors. On April 20, 2013, I received a Bachelors Degree in Theology, graduating with Summa Sum Laude Honors. Lester and I are active members of the Prayer Tower Church of God in Christ, under the leadership of Pastor Ricardo and First Lady Darlene Welch.
I am an Author of two books; One titled: Victorious! From Violence to Victory. The other one is titled, Victorious! Breaking the chains of Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Abuse. Both books were self-published in 2014. I am a member of Bruised but not Broken Ministries (BBNB) under the leadership of Evangelist Sharon Scott. This Ministry helps empower abused men and women. I am the Founder and CEO of Now Living Victorious Ministry which was founded in 2012. I am a mentor with Big Brothers and Sisters. I am a Certified Domestic Violence Advocate with the Florida Coalition against Domestic Violence. I am also on the Board with "Are You Safe" as an Educational Coordinator/Instructor. Most of all, I am a survivor and a woman of God with a Testimony and a heart and passion to help empower abused women and children to revive from Living in Fear to now Living in Victory!
Now I'm living victorious after surviving a life of physical and emotional abuse so if God did it for me he can and will do it for you! You can survive life's hard places! My prayer for you today is that you will find peace within yourself and find a way to live Victorious in Jesus Christ.